To comunity

Yes, I think this should be already known.

One of the forum moderators mentioned that the forums should be "PG-13", so that means words, like damn, hell, etc... are okay and won't be banned. However, other more powerful words (eg. offensive words like bas...) could be a warnable offense.

Yeah, I can somewhat agree. As long as people aren't dropping F-bombs or other kinds of words like that.

Did something happen that I missed seeing?

I'm still catching up in all the posts from the summer (my CLI reader is kinda slow), but I haven't seen anything so far.

I don’t like swear

1: I dont get the wording here

2: this is a problem that has only happened once, if someone swears then people can flag the post.
3: I'm pretty sure you have only made 1 topic that has to do with coding. can you please just stick to making topics about snap? I mean, Its ok not to always have a 100% about snap topic (e.g. the coding jokes topic), but there is no need to create a topic for a currently nonexistent problem.

4: it seems your profile picture was made in the scratch paint editor. I reccomend using pixlr instead :)

4. we dont talk abt scratch /j

edit: <small> works here

i dont get it. i dont think there is a rule against briefly mentioning the scratch paint editor in a postscript of a post.

do you know what /j means?


never seen /j. have seen /s though so I'm guessing /j is joking considering it seems as if you said I took the post too seriously...


/j is j​ust kidding (a.k.a. joking) (text contains ZWSP)

Ah yes! The perfect usage of <small>. :slight_smile:


oh my pcccccccccccc (chaining <big> aint working)

Probably because <small> is some sort of alternative to <font size="-1">, and <big> is a set value to <font size="4"> here?

I think a plugin here keeps <big> from flooding a message.