Things I want that would be incompatible with current Snap!

If it was easy to import JSON into spreadsheets then I would agree. It seems pretty easy in Excel and not so easy in Google Sheets. Don't know about other spreadsheet programs. This is based on some quick explorations and searches - others hopefully know more.

I like csv because it's easy to edit in emacs, or generate in a quick and dirty program in Logo or whatever. JSON is heavy, csv is light.

That might be a constant.

like this? =case


Constant means a fixed value in math (in algebra).

oh ok

How is that relevant? Did I miss something?

You can see that I replied to this:

Body is too similar to what you recently posted ???

I know. I am asking how is that relevant to his question?


Follow the reply chain.

I think he was asking about normal constants and concepts in cs come largely from math.

Explanations may vary from language to language so it is a good idea not to point to any language in particular, in my opinion.

:slightly_smiling_face: ok

maybe in settings add an option to turn case-sensitivity on/off

You have a point. But how many unique words are in "We call turkeys turkey because people thought they came from Turkey."?

Admittedly case sensitivity can get very complicated in some languages -

I have a project that needs to find the first proper noun in a sentence - a heuristic that mostly works is to pick out the first word with an initial upper case letter ignoring the first word unless it is the only one.

With the unicode block one can figure out the case of first letters. But it odd that unicode(x) might not equal unicode(y) despite x = y and unicode being a function.

By the way, too many text editors thing they are being helpful when I write "I think that Snap! is cool" it turns it into "I think that Snap! Is cool"

Yeah and two spaces after the ! also.

But if your sentence were "Turkeys are called turkey because..." you still couldn't use case to help.

Thinking as a programmer, not a linguist, my question is "which policy on case-folding makes it easier to write programs?" And the answer is that when I tell the user "Enter yes or no" it's easier if I don't also have to check separately for Yes and No. Or, I ask myself "which kind of bug will be harder to find, one in which words the user expected to be unequal compare equal, or one in which words the user expected to be equal compare unequal?" That one doesn't have as clear an answer, but I lean toward thinking that it's easier to notice the pun of the bird and the country having the same name than to notice why I typed "brian harvey" into a name field and it didn't match any record -- which never happens, I point out, in real software, because all real software correctly case folds.

I think you are largely winning this argument but

The plural for the first word saves this. But one could say "Turkey is what we call a bird of the species Meleagris gallopavo because people thought turkeys came from Turkey".

And I too find way too many websites that annoyingly force me to reenter text because they didn't like the casing.

But the unicode function that isn't a function does bother me. For the unicode block to be a function

x = y <=> unicode(x) = unicode(y)

This also bothers me


Maybe we should start using


instead for case insensitive equals. (Admittedly impractical but mathematically pure.)