Stuff about √ and ^

6^2 in rounded is a ≈2,45 from 2.449489742783178 . This same operation
6 is also ≈2,45 . I know, the square root of numbers is the reciprocal of exponentiation. So I can state that one ^ in two (characters quantity of √) characters √ destroy one √ ? That this work in ever case, when exponent is non-negative ? I need this for project. I just learning the math and I skip things like that a lot :upside_down_face:

Don't think of two square roots as a special case. √ and ^2 are inverse operations, regardless of context.

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Okay. If I can ask... 6⁴ =6² where both side equal 6 why exponent is 4 not 3- some math rule? This will be enough if Mr answer :slight_smile:


It isn't homework or other kind of school work

I'm not really a math person, but like bh said, they're inverse operations, meaning that √x^2 = x because they remove each other
So in √√6^4 = √6^2 the 6^4 is a squared square (6^2^2)
√√6^4 is actually √√6^2^2, and because √ and ^2 are inverse operations, they cancel out.
But √√6^3 does not equal √6^2, as 6^3 is a cube, not a square, so we couldn't simplify the 6^3 into a 6^2^1 or something.

Not sure if that made any sense, maybe someone else can explain it better than I.

(6^2)^2 is 6^2*6^2 or 6*6*6*6 or 6^4. Squaring a number doubles the exponent. A single number, say, 6, is also itself to the 1, i.e., 6^1. Taking the square root of a number halves the exponent.

I hope that makes sense to whoever's reading this.

Oh thanks! Everything explained! Thanks also @warped_wart_wars :grinning: