Special Dialogs

My special dialogs library

Did you share the project?

The project does not exist!

um, in the project url it says the user who made the project is @cwkelliott47732. You didn't mention anything about another user.

also, the project isn't shared

Their usernames are just 3 characters different.

oh, didn't look at that

Please share the project!

I am @cwkelliott47732 on snap! but my forum account is @elliott47732

it is now shared

oh, ok

Note: as mo says somewhere in developer.mozilla.(i think org)com/Web/API/(i forgot)

(I think i cant remember much)
The Sharing API is only usable by Microsoft Edge, and all mobile devices

Most of us use chrome or firefox. No one loves ms edge. Now u can bc this is the only pc browser that supports this.

The Browser compatibility table says it's supported on:
Edge, Safari, Chrome Android, Opera Android, iOS Safari, and Samsung Internet.

Off by one..........................
List item.

how about lets get back on topic before this turns into a war on who's using msedge or google chrome.

Makes sense to me