Some primitives remade with just 3 blocks

I can color the inside slider thing white:
[scratchblocks] <<true (⠀:: #dedede) :: operators> :: operators> [/scratchblocks]

[scratchblocks] <<(⠀:: #dedede) false> :: operators> [/scratchblocks]

To me they're just green triangles with no labels.
Edit: them being gray looks better/more true to the original imo

welcome to the forums @aroosak

he is new here he did not now that.

I see how you did that. Very creative! You used a predicate for the base and boolean value, and a blank reporter for the switch. My version: [scratchblocks]<<true (::#fff)::#008800>::operators>

well how did my post get deleted :slight_smile:

The thing is white tho

If you want to go to the trouble of using a custom color code, go ahead.