Snapsite - Profiling

Like what thought? I do not see that much of a difference.

For the pfp use this code instead:

mouse hover function.

What is the difference?

no error, (error causes stoping the pfp from changing.)

I can’t add it because I am going to add a animation for when your mouse is over the button.


Please also add a safe mode.

Ok, that’s simple except no links and PFP. So basically it’s kind of useless.

Oh, the forum crashed because of an update.

Oh, makes since. If I made safe mode it would be useless.

Well, how 'bout a description maker.

I do not want to use ask blocks, I do not know how to use morphs so I tried using the split on the users forum page to get that description but I couldn’t find out how.

I found my desc., but remember there will be no more access to the forum using the url block.

But the spots on the list are different for everyone.

No, the code is the same. You set a variable to the begining of the desc., then get letters one by one until you reach the char ".

nvm its gunna be difficult.



were, not we're.
EDIT: use was.
