SnapExt: a JS library for Snap!


SnapExt is a JavaScript library (on beta; more features soon) to add some functions to snap

How to install and use

After downloading the Snap! source code, download this file. Move the attached file into the Snap! directory. Then, open snap.html and add the following at the end of the <head> tag:

<script src="snapext.js"></script>

Next, open snap.html and type the following in the console:


All the functions should print there :smiley:

Please reply if you have any suggestions!

untitled script pic

Couple of suggestions
Could you tell us what these extra functions are?


How about forking Snap! on Github and including your file in the fork and then people that want to try it out could just download and run your fork

They're the ones I wrote in Snap! above. :~)

I only ported it into JS, that's all :smiley:

"How about forking Snap! on Github and including your file in the fork and then people that want to try it out could just download and run your fork"

@cymplecy Good point!

My point is, there's really no benefit to writing in JS rather than in Snap!, except in the rare cases when something can't be done in Snap!.