"run (_) with inputs [_] ►" help

The continuation of the report block is nothing, because there is nothing after it.

What? How do I put something after it to make it report something? It is a reporter, not a stack block (right?)

It's hard to get to see a continuation, but this sort of works:

I don't know why the + block in the result isn't green; I filed a bug report. But the point is that the "+3" part never happens, even though it's part of the continuation of the inner call/cc, because that continuation is reported to the outer call/cc by the RUN block.

And, to answer your question, the continuation of the call/cc in your picture is nothing; there's nothing that has to be done with its result before presenting it to the user. So, to see a nonempty continuation, you have to put something outside the call/cc, rather than inside it.

By the way, "call/cc" is the official Scheme abbreviation for "call with current continuation"; we left out "current" just so the block wouldn't be too wide.

Although I noticed it and made a topic here about it.

Okay, sorry, I forget things sometimes. :~/

I also just posted there. (with two edits, so you'd have to go to the page to see them.)

That's crazy... continuation works on reporters? I mostly get the run w/continuation now due to the fact that the continuation is after it, but this is very interesting for call w/continuation...

In Scheme, which was the first language to support first class continuations, all procedures are reporters; even if the return value is useless, they have to return something, even if only #t or #f to say if it worked or not. So there were reporter continuations before there were command ones!

In Snap!, the continuation of a reporter is its caller, and its caller's caller, etc., out to a command, and then everything under it in the script, then the caller of the command, everything below that, etc.

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