(Rough) Newtonian Gravity Simulator

I don't think it's also good to assume what the user wants.

That's what I thought.

Assuming a default value and freezing up so you can't restart the project aren't the only options. You could give an error message, preferably one that lists the available options.

Done, it'll give you a message, also the instructions are more clear.

If you input text I don't know how to make it show the message, even if I check if the input is not a number, it continues anyways.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying,, but I found this:

Two things about that: One, the OR should be AND. (You understood that in the version just below this version in your code!) And second, the check for it being a number should come before the range tests, because it doesn't make sense to compare a text string with a number.


Unlike most procedures, for which all the inputs are evaluated before the procedure is called, AND and OR are special forms that evaluate their inputs one at a time, from left to right, stopping as soon as an input is False (for AND) or True (for OR).

But here's what I meant about describing the scenarios:

gravity script pic (1)

gravity script pic (2)

Oh, so thats what the scenarios are

Thanks for the insight, I can be unobservant sometimes...

I've updated it accordingly.

Why not make use of the new menu feature?

gravity script pic


"scenarios" is just a key-value list of the each scenario description and its instructions. I think it works really well here :]

Oh yeah! Good thinking. :~)

Omg, this will be soo useful!

Bh, is there any other new features like the new dropdown in 8.0.0?

There are a bazillion new features. There's another thread about v8 features on the forum, go read it.


Oh! I didn't realize Snap! 8 released with this feature, thank you for this excellent suggestion.

It has been added.

I've fixed it up more so that it's friendlier now, if you all have any more suggestions, please tell me.

also nice to see you again!

ok thhanks