Project not showing

Hi there,

This project is not displaying when I click the link. Any suggestions?

  • Jill

It works for me. When you load it, it's in presentation mode (just the stage showing). Click the present button to show the editing view.

Doesn't work for me.
I get half the canvas on one side of the screen, and the editor button doesn't work.
I got these errors in the console:
Windows 7 Chrome

Same with me - Win 10 and Chrome

I wonder if its something to do with the extra space on the end of the filename?

No. The extra space must be included.

If you open the link with your browser in full screen, then click on the editor button in snap ! and then un-full screen your browser, it seems to work (at least in Chrome and Firefox).

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Following your instructions - I managed to open it
I've resaved it and now it opens normally (well it does for me)

Great. Works for me too. @jill_testing

@jens Have they found a bug? I don't have a Windows to test with.

all the costumes in the project are broken / corrupted. Not sure how this happened, but that's the problem here. Honestly, this smells very much like IE has been in the chain at some point.
Please. Do. Not. Use. Internet Explorer.

And something odd happens when you click the costumes and move the mouse.

Maybe you should make that a bit clearer on the main Snap! page.

Thank you for all your help.
I have a feeling they might have used IE at some point.
The file still won't open for me but I'll check with them to see if maybe we can restore it tomorrow.

Actually, I think they're right. Maybe we should show an annoying popup to IE users warning them that they're using obsolete and non-compliant software. It's not okay to nag users, but I think it's perfectly justifiable in this case.

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???You use mac???

when I open the project, this happens in the consel