Lunar OS (Part 3)

thats not what i meant. just click the block and i will get an update

Which block? I pressed the update blocks.


Oh ok. Then I click the blocks?

wait switch the username in the blocks to your username

I already did it, I already clicked update I mean.

Oh then click the publish block and i will get a notification.

No I did not put my username let me re do it.

Done. Did you get a notification?

yup. the project just updated.

K I’m gonna check it.

Can you send me the link I can’t find it.

pulling out an update on your project

When it’s done can you send it to me?
going to make block that allows collaborators to save updat es to the main.

Ok it’s working now. What other apps shall be installed? OOOOOO I CAN MAKE SOMETHING LIKE HTML RUNNER AS ONE?

Umm now it’s not working. If I go to it the ‘new update is available’ thing keeps popping up and when I click it it goes to a ‘please wait’ and gets stuck on that screen

its because im currently switching cloud vars for testing.

Oh ok.

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