I am developing 0.3 but I realized the asteroids only spawn up and right only, how do I make them spawn down and left?
Can you show us the project and give a little more information about what you're trying to do?
Asteroid Blasters
you forgot to add the <(... ::) = (2)>
on the part where it selects the actual asteroid positions. ( and .)
MB. Didn't realize it is a mistake
instead of saying if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then [] else []
you should say if (pick random (0) to (1)) then [] else []
which is more concise.
Sure, but type coercion between numbers and boolians isn't very elegant. I think having it be explicit is fine in my opinion.
i mean, i guess so.
go to [center V] point in direction (pick random (-179) to (180)) move (-600) steps start the moving script ig ::motion
?? what are you saying? (also, to get read-only dropdowns in snapblocks, use [ V], not [ v].
moving -600 steps when you are at the center makes you go out of the screen, the position is ranndomized by the orientation of the sprite
(also thx)
wait, why would the sprite orientation be randomized?
you're welcome!
since the position of a sprite after moving x steps depends on his orientation (90° = go right, 0° = going upward) using a random direction will indirectly give him a random position
1: just use pick random (1) to (360)
no, after this script, the sprites position will never be (0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), and so on. you would have to do something else to randomize it with the move () steps
block. Or am I missing something?
why would it need to be any of these positions since it is supposed to appear out of the screen
ah, thats what you mean. but that would result in more than 4 directions, as seen in the title.