Green flag on project page doesn't fit in the circle

Please fill out these questions for all feature requests and bug reports. If you're requesting a feature, please let us know why this feature is important or useful, not just what it should do.

  1. What browsers show this problem? Google Chrome
  2. Please share an example project (if possible). Any project. Screenshot:bad flag
  3. Describes the steps to reproduce this issue. Open a project on the Snap website
  4. What does Snap! currently do? The green flag is bigger than the circle it is in
  5. What should Snap! do instead? The circle should be bigger than the flag.

Is this bug a security concern? If so, please do not post security concerns directly to the forum. Please email us at Thank you!
edit: it's fixed now

Well that's weird. I hadn't seen the glitch before. Check if you project is too big. Or Ctrl+Shift+J(or Cmmd+Shift+J on mac to see if there are any errors in the console. If so, refresh the page. If that still doesn't work... Try signing out and refresh the page. Then sign in again). It's pretty much nothing. You can use the other Green flag of the Snap ! project.

It's because the flag is square, and everyone knows you can't fit a square peg in a round hole.

That didn't work