Custom blocks (Part 1)

you seem to know more about this than I do

im good at snap.. but i'm not so good at URLs.

costumes don't work in the set cursor block

huh, apparently only some costumes work on windows, and the silver cursor becomes huge for some reason.
i don't know why that's happening or how to fix it

ok, but can you add a note to the block?
also, can you add a diagonal submenu to the gradient block?
and also please work on the name of color block

untitled script pic (12)
i have no idea what to do.
also I tried implementing diagonal options in the gradient block but now horizontal and vertical don't work so could someone please help

It is probably a cors proxy issue, use url here

ok, it's added to the color blocks library I made:
it's not exact titles, but rather descriptions that probably include multiple words and non-alphanumeric symbols. i found the way of getting the exact title was too unreliable, but the way to get the description does work every time.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:Hi, I really like the blocks! But can you put all the blocks inside of the blocks' defines in a [scratchblocks]warp {
}::grey[/scratchblocks] block please so the blocks would run :fast_forward:? :grinning:

If you want to speed it up, just put a warp block on the outside.

OctagonOutline doesn't work.

Made it so OctagonOutline doesn't appear in the dropdown

You should change the Custom blocks script pic (1) block's code to refresh the control bar. Like this:

Also, I suggest a boolean that detects if the project is paused. Like this:

There are a lot of blocks I'd suggest adding, but I'll talk about them later.


I got some suggested blocks saved as XML. Download them here:
It doesn't have all of them, though!

That's, like, an entire custom block project on its own.
Also you can make the pig latin block without JavaScript:

Although, judging by how long it was, I'm guessing the Javascript code accounts for every piece of english orthography or something.

Oh. And you also don't need Javascript for the Custom blocks script pic (3) block. Instead of using this:

you can use this:
Custom blocks script pic (6)


Oh, and here's some reporters that deal with bases:

can you add them?

okay but i'm changing the definitions to be quicker and less cluttered