Custom Blocks

Either way. People who knew me at the MIT or Stanford AI Labs tend to call me "bh." People who know me from Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School tend to call me "Brian." I guess an advantage of the former is that there are a lot of people named Brian, including one (Brian Silverman) who's been more important than I in the world of Logo and its successor languages.

Oh, ok, I just wanted to know in case you didn't like people don't the calling you Brian, I have learned that lesson many times on discord.

I hate DIscord. People are much too ready to jump on each other there. But yeah, I'm fine with "Brian." (Early on, in the Scratch forum, in the very beginning of BYOB3, I said "One of the privileges of adulthood is that I'm allowed to have a real name. I'm Brian.")

The only reason you should be on discord is for IRL friend groups is what I now believe.

Discord sucks.

What do you mean faded?

Hey :frowning:

The fade blocks option.

Why sad face? It’s my opinion sorry, I had a bad experience on it.

Never seen it.

Screenshot (33)

Ah thanks.

yeah what he said

Discord doesn't suck. It's just the community that makes Discord suck.

This goes with most social media websites (Apart from the Snap! Forums, which doesn't have a community that sucks and is not a social media website.)

But Discord is its community!

But let's stop hijacking this thread.

Yes sir.

Yeah agreed.

untitled script pic is redundant, since we have untitled script pic (1)

And don't forget that that block can do more than square a number, it can also cube that number and such!

And for that matter you can just use the times block.

But, it's not about redundancy. As I keep saying, all you need is
untitled script pic (2) and untitled script pic (3) to compute any computable function.

The reason to define custom blocks is abstraction: focusing attention on the result of a computation rather than on its mechanism. So, defining a SQUARED block makes sense if, for example, you're trying to get a handle on how much slower an O(n^2) algorithm is than an O(n) algorithm. So you want to call out squaredness of numbers. Or you might have the same function and call it AREA if you're interested in area of squares!