Cool custom blocks! (Part 1)

Yeah, the text boolean and boolean reporter ones were just for fun.
The say command/reporter/predicate may be more useful though

I found them too simple to add. also he/she EDITED her/his post AFTER i posted.

Hi, welcome to the Snap! forum.

People have been flagging your post, but the name of this thread is broad enough that you can be excused for thinking that anyone's custom blocks go here. But actually @sathvikrias started this thread for their own project, and if you have a new one to share you should really start your own thread in "Share Your Projects." Thanks.

Ok, I will make a new topic. Thanks!

would anyone like to suggest a block?

After the the First-class colors are completed, you can add some additions to it.

thanks, I almost forgot.

ChromeOS is based on Linux.

I didn't make the block, @coder2195snap did. (please don't get mad at me hes in the creedits) ask him

No, that's correct.

(Also they're suspended for a month so probably not going to get an answer)

I don't understand

(Please quote the part you are talking about next time.)
Chrome OS isn't really its own recognized operating system, so the browser agent says it's running on Linux. Because it basically is. Chrome OS runs/is based on on Linux.

Wow! This is so cool and useful!

It got my browser wrong, but everything else was accurate.

What did it say your browser was and what actually is your browser?

It said I was using Goole Chrome and I was actually using DuckDuckGo.

Browser != Search Engine

No, I'm using the DuckDuckGo app on Android.

The app must use Chrome then.