Classtime (PLEASE HELP!) (Part 3)

Continuing the discussion from Classtime (PLEASE HELP!) (Part 2) - #110 by sir_kitten.

Previous discussions:

(to @sir_kitten) wdym its very laggy?

takes 30 sec to start and when I click im a teacher it does nothing

Try a reload. Its working fantastic on my end...

use editor or project page, also I'm on firefox

Code to classroom:


ok it works good on turbo mode

how you do chat scroll

arrow keys, or for mobile, arrows on the right side of the screen.

I wana leave

mutes topic

@bh can there be chat if theres curse detectors?

Hey @joecooldoo it appears that you have unshared the Classtime Demo

nevermind, I want to leave

Please, @sir_kitten, do you want to leave or join the collab?

Updates to ClassTime


You now get a notification when a new message has arrived!

Bug Fixes:

No bug fixes have been made to the update.

To keep our systems reliable and up-to-date, we roll out updates daily.

I don't think that's enough. There has to be moderation in case somebody decides to bully or harass another user with the chat.


Your block:

if (!("Notification" in window)) console.error("\
Error", "The notification API is not supported on\n\
your browser!");
icon = icon.contents.toDataURL();
img = img.contents.toDataURL();
var noti = new Notification(title || "Hi there!",
{body: body || "How are you today?",
icon: icon || null,
image: img || null});
if (onclick instanceof Function){
noti.onclick = onclick;
} else {
noti.onclick = function () {
invoke(onclick, new List);

Someone else's block:

  if (!("Notification" in window)) {
    alert("This browser does not support desktop notification");

  else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
    // If it's okay let's create a notification
    var notification = new Notification(a);

  else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {
    Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) {
      if (permission === "granted") {
        var notification = new Notification(a);


This is only happening on mobile :man_shrugging:


Updates to ClassTime


Teachers now have respective on-screen options!

Bug Fixes:

No bug fixes have been made to the update.

To keep our systems reliable and up-to-date, we roll out updates daily.

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