BOF Proposal: Competition and/or Achievements in Snap!?

Could you do like a monthly quiz(e.g. Make the sprite do this with only these blocks, Do this with only this number of blocks, Do this without that block.), It would be required or anything like that, just something for fun.

Possible. It hasn't been a priority because there are several Snap!-based curricula by now, so we don't think we need another one. :~) And people discover Snap! at different times; an appropriate question for a beginner wouldn't be appropriate for a long-time user.

This isn't wrong, exactly, but it's ambiguous enough to be misunderstandable. A custom function that has a function call in its script fits that definition, but it isn't a hof, which is a function that takes a function as input:
untitled script pic
or one that reports a function:
untitled script pic (1)

untitled script pic (2)

Hofs use the first-classness of functions/procedures.

You could, instead, add a new category of projects titled for example "Higher order functions inside", and have them displayed the way the "animations" category, the "games" category, etc are displayed.

Sure, we could do that. But remember the context of this whole discussion: We had a small but vocal group of users suggesting at Snap!Con that Snap! would be more popular if we gamified it. So the idea is to run an experiment: See if the slight incentive does encourage people to learn to use HOFs; see if, on the other hand, it leads to cheating and/or shaming behavior between users; see how educators respond.

Ok, not instead then, but additionally, maybe you could sort the projects in each category by how many HOFs they have (as part of a script under a 'hat' block), so the more "HOF-ified" ones would be listed first in every category?

I don't really understand what problem you're solving. This new idea seems worse to me than your previous suggestion, because it feels like a punishment (for non-hof-users) rather than a reward. But, again, this discussion didn't come out of "I wonder what we could do to encourage users to use hofs"; it came out of "if we wanted to run a small experiment on gamification, what would we want to reward?"

L´esperit crític es doná per descomtat, però la nostra capacitat d`influenciar i ser-ho és molt elevada.

I think something cool could be Advent of Code style challenges, without the leaderboard for the fastest times. I like the kinds of problems they have, and it would allow people share and see how others solved the same problem.

Could be. (Of course, meanwhile, you could just do the actual Advent of Code problems in Snap!...

I'm a little afraid to commit to something like this, because as you've seen we've had trouble even sticking to schedule for Topic of the Month! :~( But it's a nice idea.

Why was I pinged?

I don't know.

I was too

Weird. Did you two have it on tracking or watching?

yes that makes sense I did

I know I just said

Ok. Now was @earthrulerr on tracking?

Yes but I didn’t make it on tracking.