Art with sin, cos and tan

But @loucheman is using math to make art... Or is he/she using art to do math?

Yeah... it's "Art of Mathematics", not "Art for Mathematics".

Ok. Now I'm really confused.

That's my inspiration:

@loucheman said what was originally confusing.

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Glenbull made a course

@dardoro Here's the most recent version of the course that we are piloting this fall:

I like how a lot of these look like 3D softbodies.

Yeah, me too.

When I was a high school teacher, I had a rule that there were four things you weren't allowed to say in the computer center:

  • He started it.
  • It's not my fault.
  • I can't help it.
  • It's not fair.

I fined kids a nickel (one of many teaching practices I'd never get away with these days) every time they said one of those.

Ok. I had no idea.



But why?

Well, my self-interested reason for the rule was that it's really annoying listening to that kind of whining and not taking responsibility. But a better reason is that the rule made the kids think about the reason for the rule, and maybe encouraged them to take responsibility instead of blaming someone/something else.

I never thought of using <span />! I always used <span></span>.

You can see the code of people's replies?

I've been doing much too much editing HTML by hand in BJC. There are all those <img ... /> and <br /> things to remind me about slashes ending tags.

You can click the quote whole post button in the top left (image) while making a reply to see the raw contents.