Art & Music K12 Teacher PD - Module 2

Here we will collect K12 teacher samples from Module 2 of the PD. The assignment is located here:

So this module got a little tough at 2.7 for me. Luckily I have a son in high school who likes to pretend he knows more than I do, and with his assistance i was able to do the Rothco style art in the way described. Costumes are confusing. So I am including my project here so you all can see my example which could be helpful. If you get stuck, don't stress out, we can discuss on Tuesday night, and you can finish after that. If you make it through easily, please email the group with tips or leave your tips here.

Moschler Module 2 Assignment
Hello, I struggled with parts of this assignment. My attempt at making a vertical bar failed, so I ended up using the "turn right 15% " to turn a horizontal bar up to a vertical position. Then I could stamp it and add them around the art work. Also...when I would put the turtle in the center of the unfilled bar and click "fill", the bar would remain unfilled and the background would fill with the color. I had to keep the "fill" separate from the rest of the code bars and use it on its own to fill the bars with color. Sherry

Gosh, I really struggled with this one. I felt the documentation/directions could have used about 10-15 more pages. I could not have done what little I did do without Monty's example. I had to start over numerous times to because I had so much going on and often couldn't "clear" the canvas. I also struggled with not filling the drawn box, eventually figured that out to run into another problem, etc. I am ALL about learning from failures and moving on. But, this week was a bit too much!!! I just want to see the code that is actually running.
Maybe I need to go back and read the manual.

I am having my AP CSP students play around with it to see what they think. I will let you know how it goes...


It required quite some artistic skills. I had to redo many times, but still don't like mine :frowning:
It is just a trial.

Module2 design

I was grateful to have help with this module, but if I had to follow the directions, I am sure it would have been a struggle. I learned so much from have Rachel do her example then allowing us time to try it out.
I have tried to link my project, but I keep getting an error message saying I can't put links in my post.