Anybody want me to make a cheat for their game lol?

I'll admit, I like making hacks. Its challenging to make a system that makes games think you did something, and I love challenges.
I wont give it out without your permission, I just want a challenge.
These hacks will have the tag #owl-hacks, btw.

also [scratchblocks]if < < < (([abs v] of (num)) x (-1) :: operators) = (num) :: operators> and < (([abs v] of (num2)) x (-1) :: operators) = (num2) :: operators >>and < (([abs v] of (num3)) x (-1) :: operators) = (num3) :: operators>> :: control {


if < < < (([abs v] of (num)) x (-1) :: operators) = (num) :: operators> and < (([abs v] of (num2)) x (-1) :: operators) = (num2) :: operators >>and < (([abs v] of (num3)) x (-1) :: operators) = (num3) :: operators>> :: control {

compared to

How about making a TASbot for my Hide and Seek game?
I mean, I've made one for it before but I think you should try make something like it.

I'd like to see how the speedrun TASbot goes.

what is that?

Tool-Assisted Speedrun

uh so what dream is accused of doing?

IDK. The only things I know about that are that I've heard of it, and I watched a video by Stand-Up Maths about the math of it.

ok, i see

untitled script pic (1) etc.



i was comparing my [scratchblocks] work to the real thing

Yes, but I was showing what bh meant.


What's the question there?

nothing, nevermind

No, Dream was accused of manipulating RNG.
A TAS is where you slow down a game and use savestates to make a theoretically perfect playthrough.

okay, so what im doing is not going to be a tas