A game concept (Inverted II)


Here's an example of what I was talking about

make more levels please!

Okay, I've been working on some more features and stuff, but I'm still designing some levels on paper, with a concept like this, it takes a bit longer. Sorry, but I am trying to come up with new levels, the newest thing I've added is spikes, I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to cloning objects and stuff so I might need help with that, also, if anyone else would like to come up with level designs, I'm all ears, and if you've got ideas for power ups or other things

EDIT: Nevermind. Snap just crashed and deleted all of the progress on the spikes..

Where did "Oh so you don't know what Karlson is?" originate from?

There's a game called Karlson. The line doesn't originate from anywhere.


"Oh you don't know what Karlson is?" I just thought it'd be funny lol..

Never heard of it.

Yeah, there's a youtuber who makes games. He's called Dani, and there's a meme where he's like, "Oh, you don't know what Karlson is..?"

sorry that was kinda off topic..

Never heard of this meme. Never was.

Okay, well, it's just there for people who have heard of it, I just thought it might be a little off topic because we're talking about the one splash text, instead of other more important matters..

What I meant to say was that "Oh, so you don't know what Karlson is?" was never a meme.

It was, just wasn't a super big meme that EVERYONE knew about.

I guess you could say it was a meme within that community

Yeah I guess I could

I've made two new levels.

last one is un beatable for white

I just edited it and now it should be beatable sorry lol

Yeah, it's beatable now, I just tested it
