3D terrain and stuff | 3D Test

have you guys ever tried out how to do a mulitplayer 3d game? that would be so cool

Yes I've seen it done before, and it's pretty cool

Multiplayer isn't really possible.
The "cloud variables" we have only updates everytime the game restart

oooh ok

@joecooldoo's cloud var blocks use repl.it, which some schools (like mine) block.

I've seen griffpatch or someone like him make a multiplayer FPS game thing.

oh yeah on scratch

Anyway, I'm going to use a list based raycaster to do this game

I think by doing that it would make it a bit easier to make

I agree.

However, @joecooldoo made the block and designed it that you can't create 2 maps or have 2 maps in 1. You can only have one map sprite named "Map" which is something I don't like.

Oof, mine doesn't, but it doesn't matter.

That's not the project I remixed.

No, @joecooldoo made a project called "Baldis Basics and Education and Learning" not "Baldis Basics" so your project is not his.

Switch the maps..?

Okay, so I've gone through an looked through all of my code, and I really can't find anything wrong, so if anyone can find anything that would be very appreciated.

I can't find anything either, but there is always something you don't notice so

I see, at least, two quite obvious problems:

  1. World Map traverse in "Calculate Walls" should be
    untitled script pic - 2022-02-04T022844.063
  2. Line Height, Draw Start, Draw End are always "Infinite"

ohhhh ok my bad lol

wow, thats funny I didn't even see that lol

but thank you

I'm an idiot for not seeing that.